Category archives: Medicine

Chronic wasting disease in Europe

Chronic wasting disease in Europe


By José Ramón Alonso

Prion diseases are a group of severe conditions that affect the nervous system of many animals, including humans. Although their causes were highly controversial, there is a widespread agreement nowadays that they are originated and transmitted by prions, infectious agents with a normal and an abnormal structure. The abnormal prion protein infects the host animal […]

Optimising production and stock management for blood platelet concentrates

Optimising production and stock management for blood platelet concentrates


By Invited Researcher

Blood from donations is separated into three components: red cells, platelets and plasma, and one component or another is then transfused into patients according to their needs. The conditions for storage differ for each component: red cell concentrates can be kept for up to 42 days at temperatures of 1-6ºC. Platelet concentrates (PC) are stored […]

What if Alzheimer’s disease was caused by fungi?

What if Alzheimer’s disease was caused by fungi?


By Ignacio Amigo

More than a hundred years have passed since the German physicist Alois Alzheimer associated the traits of dementia of one of her patients with morphological changes in her brain after her death. While we know a great deal about what today is known as Alzheimer’s disease, we still need to answer two fundamental questions: what […]

From bones to 3D(s): diffusion, didactics and diagnostics

From bones to 3D(s): diffusion, didactics and diagnostics

Computer scienceMaterialsMedicine

By Invited Researcher

M ethodological developments in medical imaging, computer sciences and rapid prototyping technologies offer new possibilities for research and formation in anthropology, archaeology and curation procedures but also for the benefit of the cultural heritage. To conduct their studies on rare fossil specimens, anthropologists and archaeologists have to deal with two challenges. First, the specimens of […]

How to engineer bacteria to treat cancer

How to engineer bacteria to treat cancer


By Jaime de Juan Sanz

It all began in 1891, when Dr. William B. Coley, a bone sarcoma surgeon at the Memorial Hospital in New York, injected streptococcal organisms into a patient with inoperable cancer. He thought that the infection he induced would have the side effect of shrinking the malignant tumor… and quite surprisingly he was right! The patient’s […]

Targeting melanoma: dynamic rewiring of signaling pathways contributes to drug resistance in tumors

Targeting melanoma: dynamic rewiring of signaling pathways contributes to drug resistance in tumors


By Miguel Vizoso

The scientific community, in their different fields and specialties, has made tremendous progress regarding human health and how we deal with all the maladies affecting mankind. Particularly in cancer, the Pulitzer Prize-winning book entitled “The Emperor of All Maladies” summarizes in a marvelous way this notion. However, I am convinced that our struggle against cancer […]