Category archives: Nanotechnology

The flexibility of 2D silica

The flexibility of 2D silica

Condensed matterMaterialsNanotechnologyPhysics


Since the discovery that graphene, the two dimensional carbon allotrope, can be isolated and incorporated into electronic devices intense research efforts have been triggered. Driving forces usually mentioned behind the experimental and theoretical studies of graphene are the exceptional electronic properties, in particular the high electron mobilities, the long spin coherence lengths and the possibility […]

How to extract the interacting spectral function from a ground state DFT calculation

How to extract the interacting spectral function from a ground state DFT calculation

Condensed matterNanotechnologyPhysicsQuantum physicsTheoretical physics


The electronic wave function of an n-electron molecule depends on 3n spatial and n spin coordinates. In a sense, the wave function of a many-electron molecule contains more information than is needed and is lacking in direct physical significance. This has prompted the search for methods that involve fewer variables than the wave function and […]

Spin control using chemical design

Spin control using chemical design

ChemistryCondensed matterMaterialsNanotechnology


During the last decades, the electronics industry has been very successful in pushing forward the advancement of electronic building blocks, but the limit of silicon-based electronic devices especially in terms of miniaturization are almost reached. There are many ideas how to overcome this problem, for example, by adding functionality based on approaches originating from molecular […]

Mechanochemistry of nanographenes

Mechanochemistry of nanographenes

ChemistryCondensed matterMaterialsNanotechnology


Modern organic industrial chemistry started when William Henry Perkin serendipitously synthesized mauveine in 1856 while he was attempting the total synthesis of quinine. Since then, thousands of new organic products have been created in the laboratory for industrial purposes. Among them, in 1913, an orange-red pigment was found, first known as Vat Orange 3 dye […]

Submolecular resolution using inelastic electron tunnelling spectroscopy at 5 K

Submolecular resolution using inelastic electron tunnelling spectroscopy at 5 K

Condensed matterNanotechnologyQuantum physics


What only a decades ago seemed impossible for chemists, determining the chemical structure of molecules directly from experimental images, is now routinely done. Not only that, the information about bond order, intermediates, and products of on-surface chemical reactions or charge distribution within molecules can also be quantified from those images. Two main techniques have made […]

Unexpected molecular core level shifts in nanoarchitectures

Unexpected molecular core level shifts in nanoarchitectures

ChemistryCondensed matterMaterialsNanotechnology


Mimicking natural processes has been a recurrent strategy for the development of new technologies, from velcro to bullet trains. Thanks to the advances in scientific knowledge and technological tools achieved over the last decades, biologically inspired research has evolved from the macroscale to the nanoscale. This poses an interdisciplinary challenge, involving fields such as molecular […]

How dopants induce plasmon decay in graphene

How dopants induce plasmon decay in graphene

Condensed matterMaterialsNanotechnologyPhysicsTheoretical physics


For centuries, metals were employed in optical applications only as mirrors and gratings. New vistas opened up in the late 1970s and early 1980s with the discovery of surface-enhanced Raman scattering and the use of surface plasmon (collective electronic oscillations at the surface of metals) resonances for sensing. However, it was not until the 1990s […]

Towards a bottom-up engineering of molecular spintronic devices

Towards a bottom-up engineering of molecular spintronic devices

ChemistryCondensed matterNanotechnology


During the last decades, the electronics industry has been very successful in pushing forward the advancement of electronic building blocks, but the limit of silicon-based electronic devices especially in terms of miniaturization are almost reached. There are many ideas how to overcome this problem, for example, by adding functionality based on approaches originating from molecular […]

A Kondo effect by manipulating spin chains

A Kondo effect by manipulating spin chains

Condensed matterMaterialsNanotechnology


The scattering of conduction electrons in metals owing to impurities with magnetic moments is known as the Kondo effect, after Jun Kondo, who analysed the phenomenon in 1964. This scattering increases the electrical resistance and has the consequence that, in contrast to ordinary metals, the resistance reaches a minimum as the temperature is lowered and […]

Modified adsorption geometry preserves the topological surface state

Modified adsorption geometry preserves the topological surface state

Condensed matterMaterialsNanotechnology


Topological insulators are electronic materials that have a bulk band gap like an ordinary insulator but have conducting states on their edge or surface. The conducting surface is not what makes topological insulators unique, but the fact that it is protected due to the combination of spin-orbit interactions and time-reversal symmetry, the so-called topological surface […]