Category archives: Technology

Riboflavin as a bioorthogonal photocatalyst

Riboflavin as a bioorthogonal photocatalyst

ChemistryCondensed matterDIPC BiochemistryDIPC PhotochemistryPharmacy


The combination of catalysis and bioorthogonality promises have an impact on drug discovery and bioimaging. Bioorthogonality, a term coined by Carolyn R. Bertozzi in 2003, refers to any chemical reaction that can occur inside of living systems without interfering with native biochemical processes. Hence, catalytic turnover can boost the efficiency of bioorthogonal chemical reactions, unveiling […]

Using mass spectrometry to measure circulating histones against sepsis progression

Using mass spectrometry to measure circulating histones against sepsis progression


By Carlos Romá-Mateo

Interior of a human blood vessel. Something looks wrong, very wrong. Bacteria have entered the circulation, and the immunological system is reacting. All the alarms are on fire, while an army of white blood cells comes by, getting ready to unleash hell on the invaders. Suddenly, among these security agents, a neutrophil stands out. It […]

What does the “we don’t understand how artificial intelligence takes decisions” statement mean?

What does the “we don’t understand how artificial intelligence takes decisions” statement mean?

Computer science

By Julián Estévez

Specialized media sometimes publishes similar headlines to the title of the present article. For instance 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6. They are all referred to deep learning, which is a part of artificial intelligence. However, if we get algorithms to work and achieve advanced intelligent applications, what is exactly not understandable? Deep learning […]

Strong donor-acceptor coupling does not require covalent bonding

Strong donor-acceptor coupling does not require covalent bonding

ChemistryCondensed matterMaterialsQuantum physics


Interfacial electron transfer constitutes the key step in the conversion of solar energy into electricity and fuels. Required for fast and efficient charge separation, strong donor−acceptor interaction is typically achieved through covalent chemical bonding…or not. Experiences with donor−acceptor molecular diads and triads, conjugated polymers, and DNA, leads to the expectation that a covalent bonding is […]

Topological Quantum Chemistry, the band theory of solids is now complete

Topological Quantum Chemistry, the band theory of solids is now complete

Condensed matterMaterialsQuantum physics


Extended and refined by Bloch and others during the 1930s, Bloch’s theory, known as the band theory of solids, accounts very well for the conducting behaviour of materials. When atoms are joined together into a crystal, each of the individual quantum states of the atoms joins with the corresponding states in other (identical) atoms in […]

Materials for raising the temperature of the quantized anomalous Hall and magnetoelectric effects

Materials for raising the temperature of the quantized anomalous Hall and magnetoelectric effects

Condensed matterMaterialsPhysicsQuantum physics


Topological insulators are electronic materials that have a bulk band gap like an ordinary insulator but have conducting states on their edge or surface. The conducting surface is not what makes topological insulators unique, but the fact that it is protected due to the combination of spin-orbit interactions and time-reversal symmetry. Researchers are chasing efficient […]