Search results: spintronics

An ideal candidate to investigate nanoscale ferromagnets and exotic interfaces

An ideal candidate to investigate nanoscale ferromagnets and exotic interfaces

ChemistryCondensed matterPhysicsQuantum physics


In order to study new solid state magnetic properties appropiate new laboratory models are needed. In particular, there is a necessity for a substrate to investigate new forms of magnetic coupling with nanoscale ferromagnets and the exotic physics at the interface with semiconductor or superconductor materials. Now a team of researchers from DIPC and some […]

Impurities and spin Hall effects in graphene

Impurities and spin Hall effects in graphene

Condensed matterMaterialsPhysicsQuantum physics


The interactions between moving charges and magnetic fields can be quite complicated; more if we consider the quantum effects. One example is the collection of Hall effects. There are analogues of these effects for spin and the detection of the most sophisticated one in graphene, where, at least, it should not be strong, is something […]

Heat creates spin

Heat creates spin

Computer scienceCondensed matterMaterialsPhysicsQuantum physics


When quantum computing comes, it very likely will rely for the fast storage and processing of information on spintronics. Spintronics (from spin transport electronics) is a branch of technology that specifically makes use of quantum-mechanical spin, and especially of the transport of that spin, in electronic devices. Spin is the part of the total angular […]

How you grow graphene on d-metals key to get spin-polarized electrons

How you grow graphene on d-metals key to get spin-polarized electrons

Condensed matterMaterialsPhysics


Graphene is a material with outstanding electronic characteristics. Many of them arise from the cone-like dispersion of charge carriers near the Fermi level (at which the occupation probability of energy levels is 0.5), where electrons behave as relativistic Dirac fermions, i.e., as if they had no mass. This excellent video from summarizes them very […]