Category archives: Biomedicine

Alzheimer’s disease: type 3 diabetes?

Alzheimer’s disease: type 3 diabetes?


By Jaime de Juan Sanz

Increasing numbers of people are developing diabetes in our society and current predictions estimate that nowadays this disease affects about 9% of the whole population. As a consequence, health care systems in industrialized countries have developed many types of clinical interventions that prevent and treat classic complications of this disease and improve the lifetime and […]

The brain has a direct connection to the lymphatic system

The brain has a direct connection to the lymphatic system


By José Ramón Alonso

The lymphatic system performs important immune functions, and runs parallel to the blood circulatory system to provide a secondary circulation that transports excess interstitial fluid, proteins and metabolic waste products from the systemic tissues back into the blood. For centuries, it was thought that the central nervous system lacks a lymphatic drainage system and the […]

Exosomes in cancer: corrupted messages that  transmit the metastatic impulse

Exosomes in cancer: corrupted messages that transmit the metastatic impulse


By F. Javier Carmona

Just as people constantly exchange messages via email, cells communicate with each other and their microenvironment by sending and receiving packages of information; and as we react in one way or another depending on the news we get, cells respond to the “message” by changing the expression of their genes. Following the analogy, in a […]

Cell therapy as a cure for chronic pain

Cell therapy as a cure for chronic pain

BiomedicineMolecular biologyNeurobiology

By Sergio Laínez

The way we approach pain therapies doesn’t differ from the ones taken for other diseases. The aim is to look for molecular targets, which can be suitable for chemical intervention thoroughly assessing both efficacy and safety profiles for the drug, issues that are addressed throughout various stages of clinical trials. In the specific case of […]

The Hepatitis C dilemma

The Hepatitis C dilemma


By Sergio Laínez

Most people in Spain have heard about the ongoing bitter polemic between the Victims of Hepatitis C Platform and the Spanish government with regard to the access to a new medication called Sovaldi approved by the Spanish government last 1st October. The main reason for such clash between them is simple: the asking price for […]

Dog’s DNA methylome uncovers hints on human cancer metastasis

Dog’s DNA methylome uncovers hints on human cancer metastasis


By F. Javier Carmona

Tracking back human civilization there are evidences of dog domestication as far as 10,000 years ago. During this time, the ancient wolves’ genome evolved to give rise to the domestic dog that gradually adapted to human habitat as many organic functions were selected in detriment of others. Dogs have similar circadian rhythms, have adapted to […]

Contact lenses to monitor glucose levels: A sweet solution for diabetic patients?

Contact lenses to monitor glucose levels: A sweet solution for diabetic patients?


By Jaime de Juan Sanz

Diabetes is becoming a huge problem in our society, affecting nowadays one in every 20 people in this planet. Although some people don’t know, diabetes is a very serious disease that can cause damage in the heart, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys and nerves, producing different neuropathies, kidney failures, blindness and increasing in the risk of […]