Category archives: Chemistry

Modified DNA catalysts for chemical reactions in water

Modified DNA catalysts for chemical reactions in water

BiochemistryChemistryCondensed matterDIPC Biochemistry


We all know that the main role of DNA is the storage of genomic information leading to the biosynthesis of proteins via diverse forms of RNA. In turn, proteins play multiple roles in living systems, catalysis being among the most important ones. These are the standard functions that we may find in any general chemistry […]

Riboflavin as a bioorthogonal photocatalyst

Riboflavin as a bioorthogonal photocatalyst

ChemistryCondensed matterDIPC BiochemistryDIPC PhotochemistryPharmacy


The combination of catalysis and bioorthogonality promises have an impact on drug discovery and bioimaging. Bioorthogonality, a term coined by Carolyn R. Bertozzi in 2003, refers to any chemical reaction that can occur inside of living systems without interfering with native biochemical processes. Hence, catalytic turnover can boost the efficiency of bioorthogonal chemical reactions, unveiling […]

Strong donor-acceptor coupling does not require covalent bonding

Strong donor-acceptor coupling does not require covalent bonding

ChemistryCondensed matterMaterialsQuantum physics


Interfacial electron transfer constitutes the key step in the conversion of solar energy into electricity and fuels. Required for fast and efficient charge separation, strong donor−acceptor interaction is typically achieved through covalent chemical bonding…or not. Experiences with donor−acceptor molecular diads and triads, conjugated polymers, and DNA, leads to the expectation that a covalent bonding is […]

Recovering native chemical information from surface-enhanced Raman scattering

Recovering native chemical information from surface-enhanced Raman scattering

ChemistryCondensed matterPhysicsQuantum physics


For centuries, metals were employed in optical applications only as mirrors and gratings. New vistas opened up in the late 1970s and early 1980s with the discovery of surface-enhanced Raman scattering and the use of surface plasmon (collective electronic oscillations at the surface of metals) resonances for sensing. However, it was not until the 1990s […]

Geological phenomena implying dissolved species bring new insights on fundamental thermophysics

Geological phenomena implying dissolved species bring new insights on fundamental thermophysics

ChemistryCondensed matterGeosciences


Over geologic time scales, seawater transforms the basalt of the ocean floor by chemical attack. At the end of this alteration process, the basalt turns partly into clays and partly into dissolved salts in sea water. Lithium, a chemical element initially contained in basalt, will then be distributed between clay and seawater. This separation has […]