Category archives: Neuroscience

Brain mechanisms beneath prediction during speech perception

Brain mechanisms beneath prediction during speech perception


By Invited Researcher

Author: Nicola Molinaro is an Ikerbasque Research Fellow at BCBL – Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language Research on language comprehension has always underscored the speed and precision with which the brain integrates and process the input while at the same performing multiple parallel tasks. This extreme efficiency is explained by the ability of […]

Augmented reality and autism

Augmented reality and autism


By José Ramón Alonso

The most effective interventions in people with autism are based on a personal work by specialized professionals and these therapies, when well designed and well done, achieve a constant improvement in different areas such as social communication, the presence of stereotypes and other atypical behaviors characteristic of autism. However, person-to-person therapies are by their very […]

Music, maths, language… and the brain

Music, maths, language… and the brain


By Invited Researcher

Author: Fernando Giraldez is currently Professor of Physiology at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra of Barcelona, and has a broad experience in teaching and research in Neuroscience and Developmental Biology. The view that music, maths and language are related is quite widespread. We know that they share common abstract properties and their associated skills and abilities […]

Einstein’s brain and numerical cognition: a chicken-and-egg story?

Einstein’s brain and numerical cognition: a chicken-and-egg story?


By Adrià Rofes

The Mütter Museum in Philadelphia is one of those must go places for any brain enthusiast. The collection beautifully represents the history of modern medicine, including a repository of skulls used in phrenological studies, broken cranial bones à la Phineas Gage, diseased coronal cuts, American civil war surgical memorabilia, and a great little gem: a […]

Numerical cognition: numbers and brain plasticity

Numerical cognition: numbers and brain plasticity


By José Ramón Alonso

Numerical cognition is a subdiscipline of the cognitive sciences that studies the neural, developmental and behavioral bases of the use of numbers and mathematics. It is a multidisciplinary field in which cognitive psychology, developmental psychology, cognitive linguistics and neuroscience participate. Numerical cognition is fundamental for everyday activities, starts early in development and significantly improves with […]

What does remembering the “Little Red Riding Hood” story tell about your cognition?

What does remembering the “Little Red Riding Hood” story tell about your cognition?


By Invited Researcher

Do you remember the “Little Red Riding Hood” story – the beloved fairy tale that your parents used to read to you before bed? Besides putting you and many other children across the globe to sleep, this story is a great “spontaneous speech” resource to assess language impairments in people with neurological disorders. An interesting […]