Category archives: Medicine

Pulsed radiotherapy

Pulsed radiotherapy


By Invited Researcher

Can radiotherapy with laser-produced ionizing radiation be an alternative to conventional radiotherapy? Can we deep our understanding of the basic mechanisms of radiation damage? Can we study the very early biological response of the living matter and use this knowledge to design more efficient radiotherapy treatments? Contrary to popular belief, when tumoral tissue is irradiated […]

Melodrama with happy ending for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy patients

Melodrama with happy ending for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy patients


By Sergio Laínez

Patients suffering from rare diseases (defined by the European as those affecting less than 5 in 10000 people) have traditionally been overlooked by pharmaceutical companies. They are usually looking for the next blockbuster drug, so the lack of a large patient pool means they may not generate the revenue needed to justify the R&D financial […]

Medical marijuana. Really?

Medical marijuana. Really?


By José Ramón Alonso

Marijuana is a preparation of the Cannabis sativa plant intended for use as a psychoactive drug, medicine and more rarely as religious or spiritual ingredient. It includes the dried leaves, flowers, stems, and seeds from the hemp plant. Its main active component is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC); one of 483 known compounds in the Cannabis plant, including […]

Regain the renewal capacity after myocardial ischemia? Pitx2 and its partners!

Regain the renewal capacity after myocardial ischemia? Pitx2 and its partners!


By Invited Researcher

Author: Shu Ning got her BSc degree in Pharmacy from Shenyang Pharmaceutical University (China) in 2014. In 2016, she obtained her Master of Research degree on Clinical Research – Translational Medicine – at Imperial College London (UK) where she has worked on mitochondrial dysfunction in pulmonary smooth muscle cells from Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. Currently she […]

What is photodynamic therapy? Insights from computational chemistry

What is photodynamic therapy? Insights from computational chemistry



Author: Martina De Vetta is a Ph.D. student (ITN-EJD-TCCM) at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid The increasing number of types and subtypes of cancer and their incidence have triggered research to develop more selective alternative and less painful treatments compared to conventional therapies. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is an innovative treatment against certain types of cancer and […]

Are we close to find a treatment for Alzheimer´s disease?

Are we close to find a treatment for Alzheimer´s disease?


By Invited Researcher

Author: Estibaliz Capetillo-Zarate got her Ph.D. from Bonn University in 2006. Since 2007 she has worked for the Weil Cornell Medical College. Currently she is an Ikerbasque Research Fellow affiliated to UPV/EHU and the Achucarro Basque Center for Neuroscience. She investigates the role of neurons and microglia in Alzheimer’s disease. We might be still a […]

Rabid aggression

Rabid aggression


By José Ramón Alonso

Rabies is a fatal viral disease largely transmitted to humans by infected animals—predominantly from domestic dogs. The contagion is usually through the saliva from rabid animals. The disease is entirely preventable through prompt administration of post-exposure prophylaxis to bite victims and can be controlled through widely applied vaccination of domestic dogs. Yet, rabies is still […]

Is science ready to supply serviceable cardiomyocytes?

Is science ready to supply serviceable cardiomyocytes?


By Sergio Laínez

The stem cell research field shocked the scientific community back in 2006 thanks to Shinya Yamanaka, who found a way to obtain pluripotent stem cells from adult somatic cells . The recipe consisted of just four genes encoding for transcription factors allowing him to reprogram mouse fibroblasts into induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). The “Yamanaka […]

More pain than expected

More pain than expected


By José Ramón Alonso

Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage. It is the most common reason for physician consultation in most developed countries and after disease/damage of the nervous system is predominantly treated with opioids. Opioids are medications that relieve pain. They reduce the intensity of pain signals reaching the […]