Category archives: Robotics

Robotic playmates

Robotic playmates


By José Ramón Alonso

Autism spectrum disorders are a group of developmental disorders that cause lifelong disabilities. They affect people’s ability to communicate, to interact with others and to understand social cues. Affected persons have difficulties recognizing body language, making eye contact, and understand other people’s emotions, symptoms that hurt the individual’s ability to function socially, at school or […]

System of quadrotors for the transportation of deformable linear objects

System of quadrotors for the transportation of deformable linear objects

Computer scienceMechanical EngineeringRobotics

By Julián Estévez

Nowadays, the industry is centering their efforts on the development of single aerial robots carrying single objects, such as the widely-known drone of Amazon for delivering packages, which was followed by some national post-office services. However, other approaches go a step further and get to transport bigger objects in a cooperative way, reducing the payload […]

The Good Bad Robots

The Good Bad Robots


By Inko Elgezua

Robots will be ubiquitous in the near future, few people would argue against that, with some authors even talking of a “ Cambrian Explosion of robotics ” . This bigger presence of robots in our daily life has accelerated the subfield of roboethics , which is trying to establish how we must design, use and […]

Shortcuts for efficiently moving a quadrotor throughout the Special Euclidean Group SE(3) (and 2)

Shortcuts for efficiently moving a quadrotor throughout the Special Euclidean Group SE(3) (and 2)

Computer scienceRobotics

By José Luis Blanco

We devoted the first part of this article to introducing the problem of motion planning for autonomous vehicles at a qualitative level and to briefly describing two of the most commonly-used algorithms, RRT and RRT* . Next, we will continue getting into deeper mathematical details about the topological structure of the state spaces associated to […]

Robot navigation on Mars

Robot navigation on Mars


By Julián Estévez

Three main incorporations of physical robots are forecasted in our lives: transport, assistance and factory robots. Design and requisites of these different kinds are quite different, but one particularly is attracting researchers’ efforts: navigation. While transport robotics is located outdoors, the rest two are indoors. Outdoors machines can make use of a GPS (among other […]

Shortcuts for efficiently moving a quadrotor through the Special Euclidean Group SE(3) (1)

Shortcuts for efficiently moving a quadrotor through the Special Euclidean Group SE(3) (1)

Computer scienceRobotics

By José Luis Blanco

Undoubtedly, the most popular aspect of driverless cars, autonomous drones and quadrotors are the cool videos we are getting accustomed to seeing around. However, behind each of those spectacular demonstrations there is a large amount of work, both practical and theoretical. In this series of articles we will shed some light on one of the […]