Search results: quantum dot

A platform for building tunable terahertz detectors at liquid nitrogen temperatures

A platform for building tunable terahertz detectors at liquid nitrogen temperatures

DIPC Advanced materialsMaterials


Terahertz (THz) radiation is all around us. For example, this page emits blackbody radiation mainly in the THz region (broadly from 0.3 THz to 30 THz). Because terahertz radiation begins at a wavelength of around one millimeter and proceeds into shorter wavelengths, it is sometimes known as the submillimeter band, and its radiation as submillimeter […]

A 3D metal-organic framework as ideal electron spin filter

A 3D metal-organic framework as ideal electron spin filter

DIPC Computational and Theoretical Chemistry


During the last decades, the electronics industry has been very successful in pushing forward the advancement of electronic building blocks, but the limit of silicon-based electronic devices especially in terms of miniaturization are almost reached. There are many ideas how to overcome this problem, for example, by adding functionality based on approaches originating from molecular […]

How to build structures atom by atom using a scanning transmission electron microscope

How to build structures atom by atom using a scanning transmission electron microscope

Condensed matterMaterialsNanotechnology


“What would happen if we could arrange the atoms one by one the way we want them?” Richard Feynman Fabrication of matter atom by atom remains a long-standing dream and ultimate goal of nanotechnology, following the famous challenge by Feynman 58 years ago. For 30 years, the atom-by-atom fabrication remained the province of visionary thinking […]

Surface-Enhanced Molecular Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy

Surface-Enhanced Molecular Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy

Condensed matterMaterialsNanotechnologyPhysicsQuantum physicsTheoretical physics


Chemists have a range of different spectroscopic techniques to study organic molecules. All of these techniques are based on spectra generated by a range of electronic transitions and vibrations, key excitations in matter, the study of which provides information about characteristics of materials and, therefore, allow their identification. In this context, one of those spectroscopic […]

Beyond the point-dipole approximation

Beyond the point-dipole approximation

Condensed matterMaterialsQuantum physicsTheoretical physics


The wave nature of light expresses itself in the propagation all over space, showing an intrinsic limitation to be localized beyond the so-called diffraction limit which is of the order of half the wavelength of the photons propagating. However when interacting with matter, light often gets reflected, diffracted, scattered or absorbed depending on the interactions […]

Strong donor-acceptor coupling does not require covalent bonding

Strong donor-acceptor coupling does not require covalent bonding

ChemistryCondensed matterMaterialsQuantum physics


Interfacial electron transfer constitutes the key step in the conversion of solar energy into electricity and fuels. Required for fast and efficient charge separation, strong donor−acceptor interaction is typically achieved through covalent chemical bonding…or not. Experiences with donor−acceptor molecular diads and triads, conjugated polymers, and DNA, leads to the expectation that a covalent bonding is […]