Article archives

MI weekly selection #523

MI weekly selection #523

Weekly Selection

By César Tomé

Astronomers discover first evidence of “Trojan planet” Scientists have spotted the first evidence of a “Trojan planet” that shares the same orbit around a star as another planet. Astronomers believe that Trojan planets form when dust clouds are held into stable material from the gravitational pull of a star and other planet and may be […]

NOF approximations applied to iron(II) porphyrin

NOF approximations applied to iron(II) porphyrin

DIPC Computational and Theoretical ChemistryQuantum physics


As early as the 1970s, it was suggested that one-particle reduced density matrix functional theory could be an attractive alternative formalism to wave function-based methods. Unfortunately, calculations based on exact functionals generated by the constrained-search formulation are computationally too expensive, which has prompted the development of approximate functionals for practical applications. The functionals currently in […]

Obesity hinders brain recognition of nutrient signals

Obesity hinders brain recognition of nutrient signals


By Rosa García-Verdugo

Recent research has demonstrated that obesity impairs the mechanisms that allow our brains to realize when our stomachs are full and that these changes are maintained despite dieting, giving insights into why it is difficult for obese people to avoid excessive eating and why there is often a yo-yo effect after dieting. It has been […]

High functional diversity of island plants

High functional diversity of island plants

BiologyEcologyPlant biology

By César Tomé

Oceanic islands provide useful models for ecology, biogeography and evolutionary research. Many ground-breaking findings – including Darwin’s theory of evolution – have emerged from the study of species on islands and their interplay with their living and non-living environment. Now, an international research team led by the University of Göttingen has investigated the flora of […]

SARS-CoV-2 infect immune cells of the central nervous system

SARS-CoV-2 infect immune cells of the central nervous system


By Invited Researcher

SARS-CoV-2 Author: José R. Pineda got his Ph.D. from University of Barcelona in 2006. Since 2007 he has worked for Institut Curie and The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission. Currently he is a researcher of the UPV/EHU. He investigates the role of stem cells in physiologic and pathologic conditions. With 676.609.955 cases registered […]

MI weekly selection #522

MI weekly selection #522

Weekly Selection

By César Tomé

Annulated sea snakes do have genes to see colour Annulated sea snakes, a venomous species found in the oceans of Australia and Asia, can see colour, debunking assumptions of colorblindness after surviving the last 110 million years in the ocean. Researchers used genome sequencing to find four intact copies of the opsin gene SWS1 &#8212 […]

DSPS: a python package for stellar population synthesis

DSPS: a python package for stellar population synthesis

DIPC AstrophysicsDIPC Computational Cosmology


Stellar population synthesis (SPS) is the prevailing framework for predicting the spectral energy distribution of a galaxy (SED) from its fundamental physical properties. SPS is a mature subfield with a long history dating back to the seventies of the last century. Applications of SPS range from inferring the physical properties of individual galaxies, to forward […]

A topological pair-density-wave of spin-triplet Cooper pairs

A topological pair-density-wave of spin-triplet Cooper pairs

Condensed matterMaterials

By César Tomé

pair-density-wave Scientists have revealed a new phase of matter in candidate topological superconductors that could have significant consequences for condensed matter physics and for the field of quantum computing and spintronics. Researchers at the Macroscopic Quantum Matter Group at Cornell University have discovered and visualized a crystalline yet superconducting state in a new and unusual […]