Author archives: DIPC

Crossed graphene nanoribbons as electron-beam splitter

Crossed graphene nanoribbons as electron-beam splitter

DIPC Electronic Properties


Graphene is an exceptional material with attractive properties to explore fundamental physics and for use in technological applications. While ideal graphene is non-magnetic, custom-shaped graphene nanostructures can be designed to exhibit complex magnetic phenomenology, with promising possibilities for a new generation of nanoscale spintronics devices. In fact, graphene π magnetism is more delocalized and isotropic […]

An atomistic approach to twisted bilayer graphene-boron nitride heterostructures

An atomistic approach to twisted bilayer graphene-boron nitride heterostructures

DIPC Advanced materials


Twisted bilayer graphene (TBG) has taken the spotlight in the condensed matter community since the discovery of correlated phases. Now, a team of researchers studies heterostructures of TBG and hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) using an atomistic tight-binding model together with semi-classical molecular dynamics to consider relaxation effects. Isolated atomic planes, two-dimensional (2D) materials, like graphene […]

A different class of van der Waals magnets

A different class of van der Waals magnets

DIPC Advanced materials


The so-called van der Waals materials consist of two-dimensional layers bound by weak van der Waals forces. After the isolation of graphene, the field of two-dimensional van der Waals materials has experienced an explosive growth and new families of two-dimensional systems and block-layered bulk materials, such as tetradymite-like topological insulators – electronic materials that have […]

Rich and diverse f-driven properties at the surface when the bulk has none

Rich and diverse f-driven properties at the surface when the bulk has none

Condensed matterDIPC Advanced materialsMaterials


The scattering of conduction electrons in metals due to impurities with magnetic moments is known as the Kondo effect, after Jun Kondo, who analysed the phenomenon in 1964. This scattering increases the electrical resistance and has as a consequence that, in contrast to ordinary metals, the resistance reaches a minimum as the temperature is lowered […]

Topology for every electronic band

Topology for every electronic band

DIPC Advanced materials


For the past century, students of chemistry, materials science, and physics have been taught to model solid-state materials by considering their chemical composition, the number and location of their electrons, and lastly, the role of more complicated interactions. However, an international team of scientists has recently discovered that an additional ingredient must also be equally […]

Ideal furan and thiophene nanothreads

Ideal furan and thiophene nanothreads

DIPC Computational and Theoretical Chemistry


Nanothreads are one-dimensional nanomaterials composed of a primarily sp 3 hydrocarbon backbone, typically formed through the compression of small molecules to high pressures. In 2015, it was found that the slow room-temperature compression of benzene produced crystalline, one-dimensional polymers composed of diamond-like bonds. These diamondoid materials that border nanotubes and polymers are predicted to possess […]

Two-neutrino double-β-decay half-life via direct background subtraction

Two-neutrino double-β-decay half-life via direct background subtraction

DIPC Particle PhysicsParticle physics


Concluding that the neutrino is a Majorana particle would be really a turning point in our understanding of the universe. It would mean the non-conservation of a magnitude called the leptonic number, one of the key characteristics in a fermion, meaning that there would be an explanation to the matter-anti matter asymmetry: the creation of […]