Category archives: Technology

The convergence of neuroscience and artificial intelligence

The convergence of neuroscience and artificial intelligence

Computer scienceNeuroscienceRobotics

By Julián Estévez

Several researchers in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) are warning about an AI winter, which means that scientists might lose the interest on the discipline, institutions reduce drastically the funding towards its research and lose presence in the public debate. It wouldn’t be the first AI winter though. The last two decades have been […]

Open-sea experiments on a spar floating support for offshore wind turbines

Open-sea experiments on a spar floating support for offshore wind turbines

MathematicsMechanical Engineering


Floating structures are becoming increasingly popular. They are used by several industries, some have been in business for decades, like those dedicated to oil and gas, some are newer, like renewables (wind, wave, tidal), and there are still some other uses, like ports, while there is a constant flow of new ideas that imply their […]

Unlocking graphene’s spintronic potential through spin-valley coupling

Unlocking graphene’s spintronic potential through spin-valley coupling

Condensed matterMaterialsNanotechnologyQuantum physics

By Invited Researcher

Few materials have drawn as much attention as graphene, it fascinating attributes such as one-atom thickness and relativistic electrons, and its technological properties like transparency, large mechanical strength, and ultra-high electron’s mobility, position it as one of the more promising materials in the present. Recently, simultaneous experimental and theoretical studies have confirmed that combining graphene […]

Avoiding geological timescales to access low energies in bulk glasses

Avoiding geological timescales to access low energies in bulk glasses

ChemistryCondensed matterMaterialsPhysics


Common glass, used in windows or bottles, for example, is made by heating a mixture of calcium oxide (lime), sodium carbonate (soda), and silicon (IV) oxide (sand), resulting in a calcium silicate. This silicate is not a crystal but a solid in which atoms are positioned at random and have no long-range ordered pattern. These […]

Bio-inpired self-healing materials

Bio-inpired self-healing materials


By Silvia Román

Plants and animals are provided with startling self-healing and defence mechanisms. Think of how trees achieve wound closure after losing a limb through callus formation, or the ability of the chameleon to adapt the colour of the skin according to its surroundings through reversible muscle control. These are very well-known examples where living nature teaches […]

A route to the directional control of light–matter interactions at the nanoscale

A route to the directional control of light–matter interactions at the nanoscale

Condensed matterMaterialsNanotechnologyQuantum physics


Mobile phones and computers are currently responsible for up to 8% of the electricity use in the world. This figure has been doubling each past decade but nothing prevents it from skyrocketing in the future. Unless we find a way for boosting energy efficiency in information and communications technology, that is. An international team of […]

Vibrational spectra of liquids with nanometer spatial resolution

Vibrational spectra of liquids with nanometer spatial resolution

Condensed matterMaterialsNanotechnology


The ability to examine the vibrational spectra of liquids with nanometer spatial resolution will greatly expand the potential to study liquids and liquid interfaces. After all, modern technology, including many manufacturing processes, and science depend on understanding the detailed interactions at such nanoscopic interfaces. Actually, a better comprehension of the fundamental properties of the commonest […]

The role of core electrons in the electronic stopping power of heavy ions

The role of core electrons in the electronic stopping power of heavy ions

Condensed matterMaterialsPhysicsTheoretical physics


Spacecraft components potentially exposed to different ionic projectiles in space, new materials used in new energy systems or healthy tissues exposed to cancer therapies are all instances where a full comprehension of how the energy of the incoming ions is dissipated by the matter in the target is of paramount importance. Besides, the dissipative processes […]

How to build structures atom by atom using a scanning transmission electron microscope

How to build structures atom by atom using a scanning transmission electron microscope

Condensed matterMaterialsNanotechnology


“What would happen if we could arrange the atoms one by one the way we want them?” Richard Feynman Fabrication of matter atom by atom remains a long-standing dream and ultimate goal of nanotechnology, following the famous challenge by Feynman 58 years ago. For 30 years, the atom-by-atom fabrication remained the province of visionary thinking […]