Article archives

MI weekly selection #108

MI weekly selection #108


By César Tomé

Human primordial germ cells created in a lab Scientists have found a way to create human primordial germ cells, or PGCs, in a lab. The research stresses they are significantly different than those of mice, calling into question the efficacy of mouse experiments as related to human cell development. Scientists reprogrammed human embryonic stem cells […]

MI’s 2014: the ten most read articles

MI’s 2014: the ten most read articles

Humanities & Social SciencesScienceTechnology

By César Tomé

At this time of the year it seems appropiate to look back and check whatever has been achieved. 2014 has been a good year for MI, with contributors located in 3 continents and 36 different academic institutions (ranging, alphabetically, from Cornell University in United States to Waseda University in Japan), publishing 153 articles. Thank you […]

MI wekly selection #106

MI wekly selection #106

Humanities & Social SciencesScienceTechnologyWeekly Selection

By César Tomé

What ‘hok’ and ‘krak’ mean to monkeys The structure of monkey calls is surprisingly sophisticated: The same species of monkeys—located in separate geographic regions—use their alarm calls differently to warn of approaching predators. Life would drastically change if all bacteria disappeared Living for a time without bacteria is possible, but probably not very pleasant […]

RNAs, proteins, Listeria and cells: the microbial version of the Russian doll game

RNAs, proteins, Listeria and cells: the microbial version of the Russian doll game


By Ignacio López-Goñi

Listeria monocytogenes is a food-borne Gram positive bacteria that causes the infection listeriosis. It is responsible for serious clinical manifestations including gastroenteritis, and meningitis and encephalitis in newborns, with 20 to 30 % of clinical infections resulting in death. It is a facultative intracellular pathogen that can invade and move within eukaryotic cells by polymerization […]

The Naked Brain

The Naked Brain


By Sergio Laínez

The human brain is arguably the most fascinating organ found in nature. Its complexity has been known since Santiago Ramón y Cajal pioneering work showed the central nervous system (CNS) was a contiguous neuronal network where neuron is the basic unit as opposed to the view of the brain being a single continuous network (reticulum) […]

Deconstructing intelligent design (4): On information and minds

Deconstructing intelligent design (4): On information and minds

Philosophy of science

By Jesús Zamora Bonilla

After having shown the ways in which Richard Dembski’s ‘explanatory filter’ (EF) in support of the ‘intelligent design theory’ (ID) misconceives and misapplies the nature of scientific explanation, I shall devote the last entries of this series to discuss another mistake in Dembski’s work: the way in which he employs the ‘no free lunch’ theorems […]