Category archives: Science

Cell therapy as a cure for chronic pain

Cell therapy as a cure for chronic pain

BiomedicineMolecular biologyNeurobiology

By Sergio Laínez

The way we approach pain therapies doesn’t differ from the ones taken for other diseases. The aim is to look for molecular targets, which can be suitable for chemical intervention thoroughly assessing both efficacy and safety profiles for the drug, issues that are addressed throughout various stages of clinical trials. In the specific case of […]

The poor brain

The poor brain


By José Ramón Alonso

The human brain continues its development postnatally. It is a long process that extends throughout, at least, the first two decades of life. Along these years, environmental factors influence brain functions and, not surprisingly because of its high plasticity, brain structure. Among the variables that may affect the cognitive development is the socioeconomic status. Three […]

The geometry of String Theory compactifications (II): finding the Calabi-Yau manifold

The geometry of String Theory compactifications (II): finding the Calabi-Yau manifold

PhysicsTheoretical physics

By Carlos Shahbazi

This is the second of the series of articles on the geometry of String Theory compactifications. Before reading this note, the interested reader may want to read the first note, where the concept of compactification background is introduced in the context of String Theory and M-Theory compactifications. As it is well known, to be well-defined […]

MI weekly selection #129

MI weekly selection #129

Humanities & Social SciencesScienceTechnologyWeekly Selection

By César Tomé

A extremely rare set of 4 quasars Astronomers have spotted an extremely rare grouping of four quasars within about 650,000 light-years of space. The odds against finding four so close together are 10 million to one. The rare quartet exists in an unusually bright nebula that has scientists scratching their heads as well. National Geographic […]