Article archives

Eat healthily, for your children’s sake!

Eat healthily, for your children’s sake!

BiochemistryBiomedicineMolecular biologyNeurobiology

By Carlos Romá-Mateo

Nowadays we are more aware than ever about the relevance of eating a balanced and assorted diet. However, in the more industrialized countries obesity has become almost epidemic, and it is a condition that lies at the base of many different health issues, being the cardiovascular complications probably the most obvious. But also immunological and […]

Breathing planet

Breathing planet

Planetary Science

By Santiago Pérez-Hoyos

Ceres was discovered by Giuseppe Piazzi in the very first day of the XIX century somewhere between Mars and Jupiter orbits. It was once considered the biggest asteroid in the Solar System but the 2006 Pluto demotion resulted in an upgrade of Ceres into the newly created dwarf-planet category, in which it became the smallest […]

MI weekly selection #61

MI weekly selection #61

Humanities & Social SciencesScienceTechnologyWeekly Selection

By César Tomé

Highly conductive graphene nanoribbons Graphene nanoribbons can conduct electricity much better than was expected. The new graphene nanoribbons differ from other forms by having no rough edges allowing electrons to move ten times more swiftly than theory says they should. The results could have implications in the development of high-end electronics. Nature News Advanced bionic […]

The Grand Bazaar of Wisdom (4): From the “free market of ideas” to the “republic of science”

The Grand Bazaar of Wisdom (4): From the “free market of ideas” to the “republic of science”

Philosophy of science

By Jesús Zamora Bonilla

Traditionally, economics is not only about the optimisation of some magnitudes, be they utility, profits, wealth, or social welfare. Beyond the assumption that economic agents are rational beings who always try to make the best possible choice, there is the indisputable fact that the objects of economic research are social phenomena, that have to do […]

MI weekly selection #60

MI weekly selection #60

Humanities & Social SciencesScienceTechnologyWeekly Selection

By César Tomé

Paleontologists find evidence sauropods lived into Cretaceous period A sauropod belonging to the dinosaur group Titanosauria appears to have lived during the Early Cretaceous period providing evidence that sauropods lived beyond the Jurassic period. The remains of a juvenile Yongjinglong datangi were uncovered in northwestern China. International Science News Luhman 16B, where it rains liquid […]

To approve or not to approve: this is not the question

To approve or not to approve: this is not the question


By Invited Researcher

Voice and exit are often alternative ways of exerting influence, but with regard to voting the exit option spells no influence; only voice can have an effect[…] A. Lijphart In polls many citizens express some dissatisfaction with politicians. Usual ways to voice this dissatisfaction in elections are absenteeism, spoiled or blank vote, or voting for […]