Category archives: Science

Autophagy, epilepsy and neurodegeneration: what came first?

Autophagy, epilepsy and neurodegeneration: what came first?

Molecular biologyNeurobiology

By Carlos Romá-Mateo

The molecular base underlying neuronal processes is being constantly enriched by extended research focused on the investigation of mechanisms involving neurological pathologies. This broad field ranges from widely extended diseases like Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s, to other less well-known, generally low-incidence neurodegenerative pathologies. However, one of the most challenging aims of modern neuroscience is the understanding […]

Mapping areas involved in voluntary forgetting is not simple… it is double!

Mapping areas involved in voluntary forgetting is not simple… it is double!


By Moisés García-Arencibia

Most people consider forgetting things as a nuisance. Not remembering the name of someone we are supposed to remember or not knowing where we left the keys can be a little upsetting. But for some people, being unable to forget things can be really painful, and thus they try to voluntary eliminate their unpleasant memories […]